Curriculum Vitae
For certain positions, most often academic - such as post-secondary
teaching or research, applicants may be asked to apply with a curriculum
vitae, or c.v. Essentially, this is an academic resume, and only includes
information directly relevant to the field in which one works, be it
Biology, Clothing and Textiles, etc., unlike the resume, which allows an
applicant much more discretion as to what information is presented. So
instead of showing an "Employment History" as on a resume, you would use
a more focussed heading such as "Teaching and Research Experience." The
principles of resume writing still apply, in terms of length and
formatting. A sample is provided at the end of the booklet.
For some students, their resume and c.v. may look very similar, this will
depend on your personal work history. Some headings which you may want
to use are:
- Academic Background
- Areas of Expertise
- Consulting Experience
- Internships
- Graduate Fieldwork
- Academic Service (volunteer)
- Conferences Attended
- Study Abroad
- Affiliations/Memberships
- Teaching Experience
- Research Experience
- Related Experience
- Awards/Honours
- Publications
- Academic Interests
- Papers Presented
- References
Note: While there is significant difference between the resume and
c.v., some employers are not aware of this distinction, and use the
terms interchangeably. If asked for a c.v. and the position is not in
the academic field, it is best to clarify with the employer exactly what
information they would like.